Monday, August 29, 2011


Here's hoping all of our comrades, buddies & friends made it through the hurricane safely. I didn't realize just how many on my list lived in the hurricane's path. I called Bob Stavella and he was on vacation in SC & GA. He will find out about any damages when he gets home. I talk to David Watkins before it got to Newport News, VA. He was preparing his generator, putting away anything that might fly around in the yard and of course, worried about his 60 year old oak tree in his yard. Talked to Oscar Lacafta in CT; he got a lot of rain and a few limbs knocked out of the trees. Like the old saying, "No news is good news!"

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Minuteman III Destroyed During Test Launch

Minuteman III Destroyed During Test Launch

Click on Link: Minuteman