Saturday, August 21, 2010


Hey - just wanted to bring you up to date on what is going on with Wade - Steph called me and spent 45 minutes trying to explain everything to me - First of all - Wade IS doing great currently, but the worst is yet to come.  As I understand it, they say he will "crash" (which means white cell count will go to zero) because of the intensive chemo last week (will be nauseated, diarrehea, weak, weak weak)  he will be back in the hospital when that happens - usually between 3-5 days after last chemo. Typically at about 12 days after transplant the the new bone marrow will start to produce new white blood cells.  The other danger over the next 12-30 days is rejection of the bone marrow  - then his organs would start to shut down - liver, kidneys etc.  I am having difficulty even typing these words - but I am to ask all of you to please continue to pray for Wade.  The next couple of weeks are going to be tough so PLEASE continue to pray for him and for God to give Gaye the comfort and strength to get through all of this - currently she is pretty whipped.   Stephany is going to try to put all of the info into an e-mail - because it is so lengthy and so many people have been praying for him and are so concerned.  Hopefully she will get this done tomorrow and then I will send it to you and you can pass it on so we all know what to expect.  If I have gotten some of the info wrong, please forgive me - Anyway, thanks to each and everyone of you for your continued prayers. 

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